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Day One...A novel in progress

Well, this is a first for me...blogging my way while I write my eighth novel. I would like to get it done by October, so that will be my go...

Thursday, May 23, 2019


I thought I would do something different with my post and add a Scottish burr to my post, so you can see how it'll be in the book. Sort of, "a taste", a "sampling". So, here it goes;

Just when ye think ye've done enough research...think again. I thought I knew all I had to about Scotland, then when writing about Elspeth and the upcoming Yule Sabbat, I looked in the Green Witch Grimoire (Book of Shadows), what they did for this pagan event, it's pretty much what we do for Christmas. They decorate like we do, tree and all. The only thing different is that there is a ritual that they do and their Christmas carols or Yule carols are the same, but the wording is a "wee bit different."

Anyway, the decorations listed were Holly. Now, Dornoch, Scotland is in the Highlands. Aye, there are Pine trees, and they have deciduous trees (leaf barring), but I wasna sure if Holly grew there. So, here I go again, researching. I ken that if I didna, it would be questioned. So, I looked and looked and looked. Finally, I found it. It did. Good! Elspeth's house can be decorated with it.

By the by, ken means know.  For example, "I dinna ken." "I do not know." Now, I dinna have the burr to the point where ye dinna ken what I'm saying, because their language can be a wee bit difficult and my readers are young adults. So, I pretty much kept it simple, but enough to make it interesting.

Watching Outlander has helped me a lot, as far as, the geography and what grows there, to the housing and what not. I also read the books too. That has helped with the dialect. Like what ye are seeing now.

What ye think? Ye like it or no?

Anyway, I've got to get writing chapter 8 and the Yule Sabbat. I hope ye are enjoying my posts and are getting somewhat of a glimpse as to how it is to be a writer, writing a book.

Till tomorrow! 

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