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Day One...A novel in progress

Well, this is a first for me...blogging my way while I write my eighth novel. I would like to get it done by October, so that will be my go...

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A Successful Night of Writing!

Let me tell you, last night was great! Chapter 5 is something else. Funny in all the right places.
I'll explain; winter has started and Elspeth's mother has arthritic hands, so it's hard for her do things. Elspeth, being the good daughter that she is, help out as best as she can.

In this chapter, her mother takes a break from darning and Elspeth is working on her Grimoire. She ends of showing her mother what she has done and impresses her. As she continues to work, her mother remembers something she forgot to teach Elspeth on, which is Magikal Pointers. How to go about asking for magikal tools and other things she may need. Elspeth, of course, is upset, because one of the things her mother tells her is that if she takes from nature, she must give back. Well,  she's gone out into the woods many times and has gotten stuff for her mother. Reassuring her daughter, she tells her that she only learned that she was a witch, so not to worry.

The conversation of magikal pointers goes on until her mother says something quite strange. Something about how to act with a dragon and a unicorn. Elspeth thought her mother was acting a wee bit numptie, but in actuality, she was quite serious. Elspeth doesn't know quite what to think.

The story is becoming quite interesting, wouldn't you agree? So, I am off to do my kitchen, then chapter 6. Life is good. 

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