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Day One...A novel in progress

Well, this is a first for me...blogging my way while I write my eighth novel. I would like to get it done by October, so that will be my go...

Friday, May 10, 2019

First Day Without a Headache

Headaches are a part of a writers life. Mine is special. My headaches are not due to the writing, they are due to medicine and the effects it has on me.

For a whole week, I have not been able to write, which kills me because I have 143 days left to complete this novel of mine and lord knows it's going to be tricky. Back in the day of women writer's, so few were published only because they had so many other things to contend with. The house, children, cooking, cleaning, and husbands. They had no room of their own to write out their dreams. What room did they have to call their own? Do you know? Nothing. You'd say the kitchen, but everyone eats in the kitchen, dining room... the same thing, the bedroom she shares with her husband, the living room everyone shares. The husband though, he has his study, or nowadays, workshop or some younger men have what is called Man Caves. How Neanderthal can one get?

Even now, in 2019, women still don't have time to just write. I can attest to that. As soon as I sit down, the dog wants out, food or something. My husband will want me to see something on the tv, which most of the time I'm glad he did. I mean, I'm up and down...constantly!

Another thing about writing is that I feel guilty when I sit at my computer and start to write when my house is screaming to clean it up! I do feel better if I can do all my wifey things during the day and spend my nights' writing. I do my best writing at night anyway.

So, before I go, I will say one thing...I don't have a headache. For the first time in a week.  Why? I stopped my medication. Now, I can understand what my mother went through, though she had it worse than me. It's a bitch.

I will send this post out into the void and hopefully, someone out there will see what a clever idea this is and will pay my blog a visit and follow me and my journey.

For now, though, I will say, goodnight.

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A Novel is Born said...
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