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Day One...A novel in progress

Well, this is a first for me...blogging my way while I write my eighth novel. I would like to get it done by October, so that will be my go...

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Senior Writer

That's right, senior writer. I am 63 and falling apart as the days, weeks, months and years go by. A task so simple set me in pain for a few weeks. Let me explain. I was sitting on the couch and I bent over to my left side to move a basket that was on the floor. PAIN! I pulled a muscle in the right side of my rib cage. Hurt like hell to breathe. So, I put a brace on. That made it worse. Then the pain radiated down to my butt, going further down my hamstrings to finally ending up at my feet. So, sitting was difficult because it pulled the muscles in my back.

After a week of that, the pain seemed to have disappeared, but now I am having huge issues with my left foot and the ligaments in the inner part of my foot. I have plantar fasciitis. I did everything. Used everything. Even wore my boot. Nothing worked. I have another boot, it's only to be worn when I go to bed. It stretches the hamstrings, but it's better, more comfortable than my big, heavy boot.

So, today being my last day of school, I wore it to school. All day. As soon as I got home, took it off, it has been fine. Go figure!

Tomorrow is officially summer vacation for me. I WILL be writing every day to get this book done.  So, as you can see, being a writer has its walls, pitfalls, and pain. Elspeth will be done by October....just tell my body to behave its self and things will go as planned.

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