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Day One...A novel in progress

Well, this is a first for me...blogging my way while I write my eighth novel. I would like to get it done by October, so that will be my go...

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Writing Like a Madman!

OMG! OMG! OMG! I am in a writing frenzy! I wrote two chapters yesterday, and one today, before I go to my son's hockey game! I am on fire I tell you! I did so much today too before I even started to write. I cleaned my front gardens. Got rid of all the weeds, then I cleaned out the inside of the car, got it to 'shine' inside and then took it to the car wash and had it washed on the outside. Then, I made taco's for dinner and I wrote chapter 13. See what I mean!

I'm also thinking of having Elspeth a series or maybe a Trilogy, not sure. The first book, Elspeth, will be on her younger years, the next book after she escapes being burned to the stake and her life without her parents. I figured that I'll be able to publish the book faster and easier if I made it into a series of novellas. I had wanted it to be a big book, but with a deadline of October 1st. I wouldn't make it. My house would suffer terribly and I'd be unhappy and I don't think the book would be written well either. So, make it short and concise.

I'd like to continue with the conversation we are having here, but I have a hockey game to get ready for. So, till tomorrow, I will say goodnight..."Goodnight!"

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