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Day One...A novel in progress

Well, this is a first for me...blogging my way while I write my eighth novel. I would like to get it done by October, so that will be my go...

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Back In The Saddle Again

From what I can see, I have no followers, so my telling you that I've been gone from sometimes would be pointless. Nevertheless, I am bound and determined to get followers, those who have read my books, and those who have not.

I have been extremely busy with other authors and foregoing my needs. Yes, I am the type who can't say no, but I will have to if I want my latest novel, Elspeth to get published before October 1st.
Thank goodness, my full-time job is ending for summer vacation (I work in a High School), so that will give me loads of time to write!)

Elspeth, my latest book, is a Historical Fiction. Takes place in Dornoch, Scotland and its about the last witch to die in Scotland, Janet Horne. Now, that may not be her real name, for back then, Janet was a generic name for witches or if unknown. This particular witch's name was not known, thus for the generic form.

I am using what information I do know of this person and her daughter, whose name is not known as well and am adding to it, which is the fictional part. It's all very exciting and I'm using an actual witch's Grimoire to help add in the storyline.

So, I promise you all or those of you who decide to find me and follow me in my conquest of finishing a great novel, that I will be posting every day or close to that.

For now, I will say, "I dinna ken, when I will be back to write ye all another post, but I promise I will."

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