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Day One...A novel in progress

Well, this is a first for me...blogging my way while I write my eighth novel. I would like to get it done by October, so that will be my go...

Monday, July 8, 2019

Trouble is Brewing for Elspeth

Chapter 15 is when things start getting scary. Elspeth and her mother go up further into the highlands to seek out an old woman to help Elspeth enhance her craft. The father stays at home, but I fear something will happen to him.

It is coming close to an end for this book. I can feel it. A couple exciting episodes are to follow before the end and I promise you, they will be great!

I woke again, with another headache and it got me quite down in the dumps, but I told myself, I am not going to let this get to me. I truly believe it's my new glasses. So, I'm going to the eye doctors tomorrow and tell them to fix this.

I feel somewhat fine now. It being almost 10:30pm. But I had to write. Had to. Tomorrow, I've got lots of errands to do in the morning, and I plan on filling my wading pool and soak up some sun while I let my feet dangling it's in coolness.

So, for now, I will say goodnight and hopefully, God willing, I will not have another headache.


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