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Day One...A novel in progress

Well, this is a first for me...blogging my way while I write my eighth novel. I would like to get it done by October, so that will be my go...

Friday, July 5, 2019

HEADACHES! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't been posting or writing much due to the fact that I've been having headaches for a week now, and I'm really quite tired of them. Tired of being in pain.

At first, I thought that maybe it was my new glasses. My prescription changed just a wee bit, but I've been having headaches. So, I stopped wearing them and I'm still having headaches. Then, I thought maybe it's been the weather. We've been having extremely high temps and humidity and from what I have gathered, that can cause migraines (which is what I'm getting). So, I've stayed inside, still not working. Then, I woke up this morning with a stuffy nose and my headache was between my eyes, so I went and bought Dristan? Dristin? Anyway, it REALLY cleared my nasal passages big time, still didn't help the headache. I ended up taking extra-strength Tylenol. That seems to help. Doesn't get rid of all of it, but at least I am able to do stuff around the house.

So, I did write a small bit last night on Chapter 15, but my head was bothering me so much, that I stopped. I am going to attempt to continue with that chapter and try to finish it. Wish me luck on that one.

Hopefully, tomorrow I will have a non-free headache day. Please, if any of you are reading this, pray for me.

Hope you all had a great 4th of July.

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